トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > 中国武術DVD > 中国武術 間接技教則 チンナ Chin Na In Depth 上級実践編
チンナ(中国武術の合気道のような系統の間接技)を独習する為の ワザ、練習方法、用法などを網羅したDVDです。 コース1と2が収録されています。 シリーズで3巻 続編の上級 実践編となります。
In the Advanced Practical Chin Na DVD, Dr. Yang explains that for your Chin Na (Qin Na) to work in a real situation, you must master the technique so that it becomes an immediate natural reflex. In a self-defense or sparring situation, there is no time to think before you react, and your opponent will not cooperate with you. By choosing a small number of practical techniques and understanding their application completely, you will respond to an opponent with an effective Chin Na when the time comes.
In his extensive previous Chin Na DVD series, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming has demonstrated Chin Na speed and power training, instructed over 150 techniques, and shown several hundred applications for every kind of situation. This program focuses on interception, trapping and sealing the opponent, and keeping a sense of distance to avoid a counterattack, while successfully executing the most practical Chin Na. Dr. Yang instructs each technique and shows corrections of common mistakes as students demonstrate.
Techniques presented in Course 1:
Arm Wraps Around the Dragon's Neck
Techniques presented in Course 2:
Pressing Shoulder with a Single Finger and Extending the Neck for Water
This DVD can be a companion to the books Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na and Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. This program features YMAA Chin Na instructor Jim Noble and Assistant Instructor Aaron Damus.
DVD Special Features: Over 30 Practical Chin Na Techniques • Subtitles/Menus: English & Spanish • Interactive Catalog with Previews of All YMAA Titles
インストラクター:楊俊敏 /YANG JWING-MING 収録時間:155 音声:英語 字幕:なし 制作:2010
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