トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > その他武術 / 格闘術 > 【送料無料】 DVD グレート・エスケープ:寝技・組技からの脱出
立ち技格闘家、武道家の皆様、寝技、組み技は好きではないけれど、寝技となれば、付き合わずに制したい、相手の技に巻き込まれたくない、いざ組まれれば、エスケープしたいと思いませんか?この教則DVD4枚セットは、寝技、組み技を知らない人、立ち技格闘家が対処、学習する為の視点にたった、珍しい教則DVDとなります。ボリューム満点、6時間にも及ぶ内容となります。When you crash to the ground, limbs suddenly locked in an opponent's grip, your carefully practiced strikes and kicks may be rendered useless. Stripped of your offensive moves, your only chance is to forcefully and immediately break free.Mark Hatmaker's years of grappling experience are in plain view here as he not only demonstrates dozens and dozens of escapes and counters to submissions, pins, and rides, but more importantly shows you how to put these moves together into combinations. Just as you chain your offensive moves, you must learn to chain your defenses to react fluidly to your opponent's onslaught, and in Great Escapes you will learn escapes as sequences; you will learn how your opponent is going to flow so you can think three or four defensive movements ahead. But what if you're not a grappler? You're not planning on a ground fight, so do you really need to know all these escapes? The reality is that grappling just happens. The shoot happens, the takedown happens, the ground will happen. If you don't plan for it now, you're in for pain later.Whether you're a grappler looking to cover every base or a nongrappler who's realizing that his game is incomplete, this DVD set will teach you a multitude of new ways to get out of bad situations. For information purposes only. Mark Hatmaker is a lifelong student of the martial arts with more than 24 years of experience in Western boxing, wrestling, and no-holds-barred fighting. Known as "The Professor of Grappling," he is widely recognized for his pragmatic, results-oriented approach to combat training. インストラクター:Mark Hatmaker収録時間:360分音声:英語字幕:なし制作:年
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