トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > 中国武術DVD > DVD 中国武術 少林拳酔拳酔剣 教則DVD Drunken Sword
中国武術の九節鞭に関する教則DVDです。見せるDVDは数多くあれど、どうように練習するかお悩みではないでしょうか?演武実演とその教則。入賞レベルの型の説明。マルチアングルによる撮影と、スローモーションを活用し、詳細が見易い構成となっています。Drunken Sword
The drunken sword is one of the mostadvanced weapon styles. The practitionerappears inebriated, stumbling andoff-balance, however this is only a deviceused to gain advantage over an opponent.
In ancient China, the straight sword, or jian,was known as a weapon of the aristocracy,used by high-ranking military officers,scholars, and professional martial artists. Itwas considered the most versatile of allancient kung fu weapons and known as the"King of Short Weapons".
Those highly skilled in the use of the straightsword must possess a high degree of bodycoordination and agility. The strength of thisweapon lies in the practitioners ability to avoidan opponent's attack, and precisely attack anopponent's openings. For this reason, highlevel straight sword forms tend to be confusedas drunken style.
Drunken StyleThere are several fables that regale theorigins of the drunken style. It may have beencreated accidentally by drunk monks, orperhaps an observant and inventive disciple.Whatever the origin, the philosophical basisremains solid; confusion is the key weapon inthe drunken style.
The drunkard is at one moment unstable andoblivious to the combat situation, and the nextcompletely sober and striking with clear intentand power. All parts of the body are used toblock, deflect or strike. The practitioner musttrain the body diligently to obtain the flexibility,endurance, coordination, and the bodycondition to fall with out injuring oneself.
When faced with such an opponent, anunknowledgeable assailant will usually bedumbfounded and placed at a completedisadvantage.
In the drunken style, nothing is ever what itseems.インストラクター:収録時間:分音声:英語字幕:なし制作:2007年解説はすべて英語ですが、実演シーンが中心のため、英語が苦手な方でも内容は理解できると思います。 日本の一般的な家庭用DVDプレーヤーやパソコンで再生可能なディスクです。当社で扱う商品は、基本的に日本でも視聴が可能なものをご用意しています。海外DVDの購入時の注意について
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