トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > カリ・エスクリマ/ Kali Arnis Eskrima > DVD ドセ・パレス エスクリマ DOCE PARES ESKRIMA
カリ/エスクリマのドセ・パレス流派の教則DVDで、5巻シリーズとなり、体系により分かれています。講師のトーマス師はDoce Pares 9段であり、USMC(米国海兵隊)やホームランドセキュリティ(米国本土防衛)に採用されるなど、幅広く活動されています。Volume 1: 基本のシングルスティックInstructor Thomas Sipin and his son Kelii, a fourth degree Doce Pares Eskrima black belt, will show you the basic techniques for single stick eskrima. These techniques include gripping, multiple strikes, and the classifications of strikes. The Sipins will also instruct on some advanced strikes and twirling, as well as basic attacks, abesedario, and tapi-tapi.
Volume 2:中級シングルスティックとダブルスティック Intermediate Single Stick and Introduction to Double Stick Eskrima. Expands on the basics of single stick eskrima and introduces the basics of double stick eskrima. The double stick curriculum includes basic warm ups, strikes and twirling, and arko with footwork. The Sipins complete this segment with instruction on double stick abesedario, ska-hulog, corto orihinal, and partner drills. APPROX. 42 min
Volume 3:ディスアーミング(武器の取り上げ)、間接技、テイクダウン(投げ) Eskrima Disarms, Locks, and Takedowns. Learn to defend yourself from eskrima attacks with multiple defense techniques. These techniques include empty hand disarming, single stick disarming, striking with disarming, locking abesedario with and without takedowns, snaking, and live hand control. The Sipins also include variations of each technique to enable you to defend yourself from any type of attack. APPROX. 54 min
Volume 4: トラッピングドリルとスパーリングEskrima Trapping Drills and Introduction to Controlled Sparring. Introduces trapping drills and controlled sparring. Includes stick trapping as well as knife trapping. The Sipins then show you how to counter attacks with controlled sparring. These exercises include both trapping to single and multiple counters, again including variations for each technique for a more enhanced instruction. APPROX. 48 min
Volume 5: スティック&ダガー(エスパダ・イ・ダガ)Introduction to Stick and Dagger. Introduces eskrima stick and dagger techniques. This video includes lessons on blocking, angle attacks, abesedario and serra todo. The Sipins instruct on three and five count abesedario drills along with six count abesedario and double three count abesedario. APPROX. 51 min. ↓第5巻目の紹介映像↓本DVDで使われているオリシはこちら本DVDで使われているトレーニング用ナイフはこちらインストラクター:Thomas Sipin収録時間:Vol.1 :Vol.2 :42分Vol.3 :54分Vol.4 :48分Vol.5 :51分音声:英語字幕:なし制作:2006年
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