トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > 護身術DVD > 【完売】 DVD 急所の理解とヒットテクニック
Practical applications of Nerve Pressure & Hit Techniques By Renshi Erwin Pfeiffer Erwin Pfeiffer is a master of JuJitsu and Hapkido. This instructional film shows points of pain, which are important in self-defense with help of some practical examples, together with Bernd Höhle. The selection of the points of attack were chosen purposefully in such a way that several points in defense are considered. A variety of attacks may beused. The contents of the DVD offer various suggestions and ideas of application for all people that are involved in martial arts and people that are interested in self-defense. Everybody should select their own techniques that are most suitable for them and use them in their defense. Master Erwin Pfeiffer has practiced martial arts for over thirty years. He has concentrated on dealing with nerve points for a long time. He deals with many different types of martial arts, such as Japanese Kyusho, the Korean Kupso, and many others.These different types work with points of pain as well. He sets a high value on realistic techniques, the efficiency and self-protection. Grandmaster Erwin Pfeiffer Renshi 6.Dan Ju-Jitsu, Founder and Kancho of the Jigo-Do Defense System.インストラクター:Erwin Pfeiffer収録時間:68分音声:英語、フランス語、ドイツ語字幕:なし制作:2010年解説はすべて英語ですが、実演シーンが中心のため、英語が苦手な方でも内容は理解できると思います。 DVDがヨーロッパ方式(PAL)方式の為、通常の家庭用DVDプレーヤーでは再生ができません。パソコンでの視聴や、PAL対応プレーヤーでご視聴下さい。パソコンの場合、PAL方式でも再生ができる場合が多いです。オススメ廉価プレーヤーについては、こちらを参考にして下さい 海外DVDの購入時の注意について
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