トップ > 武術教則DVD / Video > 軍隊系格闘術DVD / Military Combat > DVD クラヴ・マガ カパプ
カパプのDVDです。Kapap or "face to face combat, combat system is the original Israeli Armed Forces, from which emerged many other arts like Krav Maga, Hisardut, etc.. Being booked at present to the special forces and anti-terrorist teams. In this paper presented by Sergeant Jim Wagner, Major Avi Nardia, Israeli special forces and creator of Kapap civil shows a complete seminar approach to this method of fighting, in adapting to law enforcement and the environment Civil. Explore the vital points, control techniques, beating, against grabbing, ways to bring to the floor, momentarily techniques to disorient the opponent defenses against attacks stick, techniques for the clinch, swift arrest techniques, soil, exercises with fluency empty hands and knife against knife, and techniques against firearms. A well supported, comprehensive, forceful and effective undoubtedly surprise you.
インストラクター:アヴィ・ナルディア 収録時間:分音声:英語字幕:なし制作:年
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